Creation of my Alastor Cosplay (Part 1)

    Hey y'all! So today, I'm going to jump into documenting the creation of my Alastor cosplay. The first piece I made (also my favorite) is the microphone walking-stick thingy. So, When I create my cosplays I try reuse anything I can because (1) I'm a broke bitch and (2) I try my best to be environmentally friendly.* That being said my microphone is mostly "trash". The actually mic part is... um, well an old, well washed and sanitized, Bad Dragon lube bottle. Hey, don't judge! it was the perfect size and shape! The walking-stick part is an old curtain rod and the red pop filter part is scraps of EVA foam sheet. The top part of the mic part is half of a gashapon capsule filled with poly-fil stuffing. For Banzaicon, I put a LED tea light inside it so it would glow. After Banzaicon I upgraded it with green flickering LEDs.
    The next piece I created was the monocle. Its just larger gauge floral wire and red UV resin. I used this technique for creating the the monocle, that's used in this video: Wire & Resin Sakura Earrings But there are many other examples of this technique on YouTube. For Momocon I completely remade the monocle so I could create it with the correct colored wire (first one was red and canonically its black) and with a better fit around the ear.
    The last thing I created for my Banzaicon Alastor cosplay was the antlers. So I know that in most species of deer, doe do not have antlers but I think they're cool so I included them in my fem Alastor cos. Hey, maybe I'm just cosplaying a cross-dressing Alastor! Anyway, I made the antlers with floral wire and air drying clay. They're kinda big and weirdly shaped though, so I plan on remaking them someday once I figure out the best materials and technique to use. 
    The next entry will cover the creation of Alastor cos 2.0 that I wore to Momocon! Until next time, hug your loved ones! 

Alastor 1.0 at BanzaiCon

    *(Small side rant: Its very hard to be environmentally friendly nowadays so always do your best and never beat yourself up about it. The system we're stuck in is horribly unfriendly to the environment. To quote Husk: "We're all in the same shit sandwich." Sorry end rant)


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